Thursday 25 July 2019

Journey Day 13 - Jasper to Moraine Lake


Our luck has finally run out on the good weather and we awoke to rain and cloud down on the mountains.  We had been aware that the weather was going to deteriorate but the suggestion had been thunder storms. 

We paid for breakfast at the Crimson where we were staying rather than spend time hunting something down. We mostly go for breakfast included accommodation.

At tonight's destination, Moraine Lake Lodge, there is only a white table restaurant which is not our preference and is also very expensive; so we are self catering this evening with no microwave so it has to be cold. The excellent bakers sourced a large chicken samosa and a pizza pretzel and the supermarket a tray of raw vegetables with a ranch dip and a tray of fresh fruits for desert. We already  had wine from a liquor store; still can't get used to not buying alcohol in a supermarket.

Finally stocked up, we headed out of town to retrace our steps down highway 93A.

Highway 93A

Somewhat different visibility from yesterday through mist and around wiper blades, we still kept a sharp eye out for wildlife hoping against hope that we may spot the bear again.

Athabasca Falls

At the Southern end of the road before joining the 95 is Athabasca Falls. We deliberately left this yesterday so that we had something good left to look at today and water falls are OK in poor weather.
Athabasca Falls was more than ok. I believe they must always be powerful but following the overnight rain they are awesome in visual power and sound. We spent a while here crossing from one side to the other on a bridge and seeing all sorts of different angles into the deep canyons the falls have carved.

At the bottom of the Falls, raft trips were setting off into an exciting looking ride.

Highway 95

200 metres from Athabasca Falls we rejoined the 95 on a duel carriageway heading South toward Lake Louise town.

Watching the sides for animals as well as the road we pushed on. Wipers mostly on fastest intermittent but with the high mountains shrouded in mist.

Tangle Ridge & Mushroom Peak

For a time it looked brighter but as we climbed the temperature dropped from 11 through 9 to 7.5C and combined with rain and wind it was freezing to step out to take photos.

Waterfalls & Lunch

We stopped for lunch across from cliffs covered in waterfalls which had not been there yesterday.
This spot may have been Weeping Wall but we're not sure.

Mistaya Canyon

At a pullout for Mistaya Canyon I stopped to get photo's of the edges of icefields

Peyto Lake

Passing the end of Peyto Lake with it's permanent blue due to Rock Flour washed from the glaciers feeding it.

Crows Foot Glacier

Herbert Lake

The first lake we visited at the start of the day yesterday which we were so captivated by. Today it doesn't have the wonderful backdrop. 

Around 3:00 it seemed to be drying a little but the rain continued albeit with breaks.

Lakes Louise and Moraine

Lake Louise

Our destination was Lake Moraine but to get there we had to o via Lake Louise town. Signs on Highway 95 warned that parking was full and the shuttle must be used to visit, however, as we were through traffic we drove down passed the town and were steered toward the Lake in a one way flow. The turnaround to continue to Lake Moraine was through the main car park for Lake Louise and to our surprise we saw a couple of spaces.
We had wanted to see Lake Louise but had written it off as impractical given the time involved in shuttles etc so we were delighted to park up and walk 10 minutes to the Lake head. 

Pleased with our luck and having taken in Lake Louise we continued a further 14 km down the valley to Lake Moraine, our destination.

 Lake Moraine

Tonight we have treated ourselves to a one off expensive treat and are staying in a Lake Moraine Lodge. We calculated that staying in the heart of an area that is difficult to get to in daytime traffic was in effect giving us an extra day in the Rockies. Also, to be in this remote area when it was quiet was a delightful thought.
Reception tell us the weather will improve tomorrow and  we hope to be out on the Lake in a canoe which is part of the deal. A little worrying as the wind is whipping up waves on the lake and canoes have been suspended today.

At the top of the Lake is a massive rock pile which was dumped by a glacier and the top of this is where the best views of Lake Moraine are to be found.


Our lodge is amazing with a massive picture window looking through the trees to the blue water beyond. We even have a log fire which,when we read of it,we thought there was no way we'd get to use; but, the temperature is 6 outside to fire lit, complementary red wine in hand we settle for the evening.

Our in lodge picnic meal works well and we enjoy a relaxed evening with the pine wood fire crackling away.

We did pop out for a short walk before finally settling; even at 10pm there were still visitors in the car park. Disn't stay out long, it's very cold now.

Today's Statistics

3000 miles passed

Statistics: Miles today: 201; Miles so far: 3031 ; Fuel added so far: 267.5 litres, 58.8 imp gals; Provinces: Alberta; Time Zone: UTC-6 Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

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