Monday 1 July 2019

A New Adventure

Canada Here We Come

This one has been a few years brewing but we are almost there now. In a little over a week's time we fly off to Montreal to set off on our latest roadtrip holiday.
We will be following the Trans Canada Highway route from Montreal right across Canada to Vancouver with a diversion to explore the Canadian Rockies for a couple of days.
Having left the tidal reaches of the Atlantic Ocean we will reach the Pacific Ocean 17 days later, all being well.

A journey of more than 5500km (3400Mi) we will be travelling in a hired SUV and stopping at pre-booked budget hotels and lodges.


We began serious planning a trip to Canada in Feb 2018 and quickly realised that we were already too late to get satisfactory accommodation in some areas. Plans had originally limited to the West coast and Rockies with possible sea passages but it just didn't seem to be working.
Eventually we fell back to the concept of our 2008 Trans American Roadtrip of coast to coast; however, flights from Manchester (UK) worked out most accessible to Montreal so the East coast start is more the head of a tidal river.

Blogging again

I am hoping to write a live blog as we cross though previous trips have demonstrated this to be an onerous task with long days and poor connections so we'll see how it goes. We'd be delighted anyone follows us so please leave comments, you can select anonymous.

Previous Trip Blogs

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